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Image by Priscilla Du Preez




23 January 2026


19 June 2026



Lecture phase: 33 000 SEK

Outreach: 15 000 - 20 000 SEK



Linköping, Sweden


Somewhere in the world

MERCY. The Mercy track is for you who have a heart for the hurting and want to reach out to them with the love of God. This can be done in various ways, through food distribution, evangelism or intercession and much more. 


If you have a passion for dance, in any style, with prior experience or no experience, but simple curiosity, this track is for you! In this track we're going to focus on getting to know God and connect with him through movement and music in simplicity and freedom. We'll also discover the power of working together, partnering with God and sharing what's on his heart with people through dance. It will be everything from both moving as the Holy Spirit leads, freestyle, and also  coordinated choreography.

EVENTSThis track is for you that have a passion for events, this can be anything from a big stadium event to planning a prayer meeting for local pastors,  and want to see how that can be a tool to reach out to people and also to bring community and unity through God’s presence, power and love. In this track you will discover and get tools on how to organize a successful event. You will also be apart of organizing an event and have the opportunity to put into practice everything you have learned about events. 


"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:8

We want to see people getting renewed and refreshed by the Holy Spirit and be empowered  in their calling and with love go to the nations to spread the name of Jesus. 


During the DTS you will get to know God in a deep and personal way, find your identity in Him and be equipped in making Him known. During the lecture phase we will have a different topic each week, these topics are for example: 

The Bible, Missions, Hearing God's Voice, Father Heart of God, Inner Healing, Biblical Worldview and Calling. A big part of your DTS experience is living together with other people and doing life together. Every week we will also have practical work, book reading, discipleship, evangelism, journaling and much more.  The lecture phase is a time for you to dive deep into your relationship with God and learn a lot, through the teachings and life in the DTS. We have a big focus on discipleship, so you will have someone that walks with you and mentors you in this time.

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After finishing the lecture phase it's time to go on outreach! The outreach is 2 months long and the focus is to share Gods love and share the good news with the people we meet. This can be done in different ways; children's ministry, mercy ministry, sports, street evangelism, serving practically, going to youth events and much more. The idea is that you can put into practice what you have received in the lecture phase. 

As a base we have three focus areas: Europe, Latin America and The Middle East, but we have done outreaches to other places in the world as well. For each DTS we pray and seek Gods guidance in where to go! 

After the outreach we travel back to Sweden and finish up the DTS with some teaching and the graduation, celebrating what God has done in this time! 


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