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DATE: 11 SEP 2025 - 13 FEB 2026

COST: 33 000 SEK +

15 000 - 20 000 FOR OUTREACH 







Running Shoes



DATE: 23 JAN 2026 - 19 JUNE 2026

COST: 33 000 SEK +

15 000 - 20 000 FOR OUTREACH 



  • What does a typical day in the DTS look like?
    Let's start with the lecture phase. Not all weeks are the same but more or less the day looks like this: 7:30 Breakfast 8:00 Your personal time with God 9:00 Base worship or intercession 10:00 Class 13:00 Lunch 13:30 Practical work 15:00 Book reading/evangelism/sports/discipleship time/outreach prep 18:00 Dinner 19:00 Community meeting/class/evening class/free 23:00 Time to sleep ZZZ Weekends are more free, you mostly just have some time do to the weekly journal in the schedule. And outreach. This is where it gets more flexible, but most days are filled with activities like community ministry, evangelism, practical work, helping out in churches or other YWAM bases, praying for the city, having team time and so on. You will also get some time to enjoy the place where you are at!
  • What is included in the cost for the DTS?
    Again, let's split this up. The lecture phase price includes accommodation, food and teaching for the 3 months you are in Sweden. If you need a visa this will cost and additional 1500 SEK, we will let you know if this is the case for you. Occasionally we do smaller trips during the lecture phase that will have an extra cost of no more than 1000 SEK. The outreach phase is between 15 000 and 20 000 SEK and include the mini outreach, travel, usually flights, to the outreach location and food and accommodation on outreach. This does not include vaccinations for the outreach, if they are needed.
  • How big is the base and each DTS?
    YWAM Transform has bases in two cities; Stockholm and Linköping. Altogether we are around 30 staff on base, we also run a year long leadership school that usually have between 5-10 students. The houses are big with a lot of space for activities, eating, hanging out and sleeping. The size of the DTS varies, but the average size is between 6-10 people in each school, sometimes more.
  • What should I bring for the DTS?
    We will send you a packing list in an email later, when the starting date of the DTS gets closer, but more or less this is what you need: - Warm clothes for the winter months; a good winter jacket and shoes - Clothes for around 1-2 weeks of use, you will have the chance to do laundry each week - Nicer clothes for events - Sports clothes and clothes you don't mind getting dirty - Outdoor clothes for rain - Sleeping bag and sleeping mat - Bible and notebook, anything you want for taking notes, computer if you have one - Any supplies for hobbies; like art supplies, books, your camera... - Any medication you might need - Photos from home to decorate your wall with if you want - Sheets for the bed, towel - Adapter for your electrical appliances if this applies to use, we use the Type C socket here - Toiletries Both of your houses are located in the center of the city so it's easy to go shopping for anything you forgot or run out of, so don't be too stressed about packing!
  • How does the accommodation look like?
    As a base we value having a family feeling. We love community live, to share life together. We live close together, everyone lives on base, and during the time of your DTS you will get a chance to make friends and memories for life! During the DTS you will share a room with 1-6 people. If sharing a room for some reason is an issue for you, let us know and we will see how we can help you out!
  • What are the topics in the DTS?
    Each week of the DTS have a different topics, the topics might vary a bit between different DTS:es. Here is some examples of teaching weeks: - Missions - Biblical Worldview - Freedom in Christ - Holy Spirit - Nature and Character of God - Father Heart of God - Evangelism - Inner Healing Each teaching week is a mix of teaching in the classroom and activities, like evangelism, small group, project work and so on.
  • Do I need to speak Swedish for the DTS?
    The main languages used on base are English and Swedish, we also have a number of staff that speak Spanish. You don't need to know Swedish for your DTS, and English will carry you far also in evangelism and getting to know people in Sweden! But of course it's fun to learn a couple of phrases while you are in the country! Let's get started: Hi! How are you - Hej! Hur mår du?


Sweden Transformed, The World Transformed



DTS stands for Discipleship Training School. It's a 5-6 month program which gives you the chance to grow in your relationship with God. The first three months is called lecture phase, this consists of different classes each week that focus on different aspects of your faith. The next 2 months of the DTS is the outreach phase. In the outreach phase we'll send you out with a team to a certain part of the world with the Goal to make God known.



We are called to be salt and light in the world, to be an impact in people's lives, situations and nations. Gods heart is for every person on the earth to know Him and live with Him forever. Do you want to be part of seeing this happen? 




During the DTS you will get to know God in a deep and personal way, find your identity in Him and be equipped in making Him known. During the lecture phase we will have a different topic each week, these topics are for example: 

The Bible, Missions, Hearing God's Voice, Father Heart of God, Inner Healing, Biblical Worldview and Calling. A big part of your DTS experience is living together with other people and doing life together. Every week we will also have practical work, book reading, discipleship, evangelism and journaling. The lecture phase is a time for you to dive deep into your relationship with God and learn a lot, through the teachings and life in the DTS. We have a big focus on discipleship, so you will have someone that walks with you and mentors you in this time. 



After finishing the lecture phase it's time to go on outreach! The outreach is 2 months long and the focus is to share Gods love and share the good news with the people we meet. This can be done in different ways; children's ministry, mercy ministry, sports, street evangelism, serving practically, going to youth events and much more. The idea is that you can put into practice what you have received in the lecture phase. 


As a base we have three focus areas: Europe, Latin America and The Middle East, but we have done outreaches to other places in the world as well. For each DTS we pray and seek God's guidance in where to go! 


After the outreach we travel back to Sweden and finish up the DTS with some teaching and the graduation, celebrating what God has done in this time! 

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When YWAM started, our founder Loren Cunningham had a vision of young people going over the continents as waves sharing the love of God. The waves are still going out, are you part of the next one? 



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Do you have a question? Let us know! 

Thanks for submitting!

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