Welcome to the School of Biblical Christian Worldview!
We call the school BEWISE, because that is the essence of life with a Biblical Worldview: knowing the source of all wisdom, God.
The Bible is Gods Word and gives us guidelines for all the areas of life. In this school we will dig deep in what the Biblical Worldview is and look at how we can apply it in our lives and nations. What is the Bibles saying about finances and resources? What is the Bible saying about education and learning? What is the Bible saying about arts and sciences?
God is the God of all the universe and Jesus is King in all the domains and spheres of this world!
Course Objectives and Design
We are running this course to give especially young people a foundation when it comes to a Biblical Worldview in order to live a life based in Gods Word and to be able to explain our Christian faith to non-believers (evangelism) and to influence society with Biblical principles (discipling nations).
The course aims to help students:
- attain a foundational understanding of Biblical worldview.
- understand the power and influence of ideas and thought-patterns and the dynamics of how to change them in our societies.
- have a good insight in other worldviews, a part from the Biblical Worldview.
- gain understanding of the Biblical foundation of science and technology.
- understand how to apply a Biblical worldview in your own life as well as in the sphere of influence you are called to.
Course Format
The school will have the "classic" format of 12 consecutive Full Learning Weeks (FLW).
The course gives you 12 credits in the University if the Nations (UofN).
It is a Core Course within the UofN.
Transformation Project
During the school we will be working in small groups on projects aiming at bringing transformation in society. We believe in the importance of the apostolic action of ”going where we’re not”, influencing with Gods principles in the areas of society.
Impact Talks
A key aspect of or task as Christians is what Jesus told His disciples as He was about to ascend: ”teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” To teach and share the principles of God from the Bible and connect them with historical examples of people who were reformers will be a part of this school in the form of Impact Talks. This is a great way to grow in the ability to communicate well to this generation.
The 7 spheres of society
During the school we will study the so called ”spheres” of society, which essentially is a framework for understanding the different parts that our societies are made up of and what God´s purpose is for each one of them. They are:
Economy & Business
Arts & Entertainment
Communication & Media
In this particular school we will have a special focus on the spheres of Economy & Business and Government.